Maximilian Juno
Stargazing through the Mythologies of the Night Sky – Constellating Cosmos & Psyche
The stories of the starry constellations of the night sky weave the tapestry of mythos in which all of our human dramas are reflected. Moving through the nightly field of psyche we can discover how the deepest archetypal dynamics that stir all of humanity – from the collective to the most personal – are truly timeless, and yet the telling and meditating on their stories are also instructive in helping us to live through & understand our part in the bigger picture of our lives. And thus also finding our place in time; for this true midsummer moment – the halfway point between solstice & equinox – which many now also know of as ‚Lions Gate‘.
A nightly sojourn & storytelling through mostly grecian mythologies and the astro-logos of the stars.
Maximilian Juno is deeply fascinated by the ever-present tapestry of the night sky & its starry asterisms. It is a tapestry of imagination which evokes memories of the deepest dreamtime of us human beings, and is also the canvas that carries images and ever-present stories of the deep, archetypal mind of the collective unconscious. And yet, gazing up into it, we also gaze into ourselves.
His love and wonder for it constantly motivate him to learn and understand the interconnectivity of its mythologies and the human psyche further and further.
Utilising the tools of jungian & archetypal psychology, anthropological lenses on how different cultures saw & understood their place on earth/under the stars, the mythologies they inherited & told, as well as the most ancient mystery art of humankind : astrology – the connection of heavenly movements to earthly events – he aims to help people see the greater cosmovision of a universe undivided.