Plasticfree Mermaid
Be As Water to Heal Humanity
Mermaid is coming to us from Australia to share her wisdom for aligning back to the frequency of the Earth to bring about the change needed for healing & positive change. She is a career environmental activist who has been fighting primarily plastic pollution through policy change, global philanthropic collaboration, and sharing her own personal journey of living plastic-free. Walking this public path of earth warrior has helped her soften, and she is passionate about supporting individuals to do simple, profound healing work to be resilient agents of change in the real world. Important to Mermaid is eating locally, becoming a “maker” to avoid packaging, aligning with the seasons, moving stuck energy in the body, breathing deep, resourcing our nervous system in nature. We must do the healing work to be able to show up for our planet and each other.
Plastic Free Mermaid has not used single-use plastics for over a decade. Coming to us from Australia, she is a science communicator who translates breaking science on how plastics impact our health & planet, and she does so from a solutions-oriented approach and through her connection to the world’s waters. She is an author, podcast host, global activist, and mother to her gorgeous son, Rainer Naluao. She hosts mermaid retreats where guests swim with whales and dolphins, live on a sailboat, practice yoga, and learn her plastic free ways and environmental activism. Mermaid recognises that people are overwhelmed with information & need to be brought back into their bodies before they can address big picture issues from a centered, earthed place. Her offerings blend the cerebral with the embodied. She joins us with great interest in what can birth from sharing her practices & knowledge & cultivating more connection.