Letizia Xiuh & Shahaf Shvarzman
Medicine Music Song Circle
Letizia Xiuh lives and serves with a heartfelt mission to heal all relations. In her service, she creates a safe and sacred space that holds individuals and keeps their hearts warm. They are guided to journey into the depths of their souls, to find their own capacity to heal and to connect to their highest potential and purpose. In times of change, the tools to evolve, grow, and move forward are within the reach of their hearts. Master plants, sweat lodge, art, music, and movement are part of this sacred weaving that opens their ability to adapt and cultivate resilience in their hearts, minds, and spirits.
Shahaf is a musician, medicine woman, songwriter, and moon dancer. She loves to connect with spirit in all forms and sees life as a true work of art. After living, working, and studying in Peru for the past 8 years, she recently moved to Costa Rica where she is continuing her path.
As part of her commitment to the medicine path, she works with the tribes of Peru, Ecuador, and Brazil. Shahaf is both humbled and honored to learn their traditions and music. Music is not only her biggest passion, but also her way to pray for life, for humanity, and for the expansion of the heart.